Microsoft Visual InterDev Tutorial

Web based School

Chapter 4

Creating Your First Visual InterDev Project

ToChapter is going to be an exciting Chapter. You finally get to create your first project using Visual InterDev. You have learned about many features in the last few Chapters, and in this lesson, you will finally have a chance to experience some of these features for the first time.

You will get the most out of this lesson if you practice using the tools as you go along. To begin the Chapter, you will explore a standard Visual InterDev project, and take a look at its dissected components. This dissection won't be as dreadful as your experience with a frog was in high school biology, though.

In this section, you will learn the different components and parts of a project. This knowledge should build a foundation so that you can appropriately use all of the Visual InterDev features and technologies in developing your Web-based applications. After looking at each of the Visual InterDev project components, you will get a brief refresher on browser extensions and how they fit into the Visual InterDev scheme.

At the end of toChapter's lesson, you will build your first Hello Web application. For C programmers, this application will be a little more sophisticated than the simple Hello World application that you built for your first C program. The Hello Web application will contain most of the main project components that are the focus of this lesson. While you won't be developing the whole application, you will be adding some code and interacting with the components and code provided for you. This lesson should be a very good introduction to the Visual InterDev development experience.

Get a refill on that cup of coffee, and let's begin.

Exploring a Standard Project

At this point, you have read a lot about the features of Visual InterDev as well as the various technologies that it supports. The focus of this lesson is on assimilating what you've read into a Visual InterDev project. If you have participated in any type of development effort, you are familiar with the concept of a project. You know that a project usually consists of various files that come together to build an application.

Developing an application is like making pancakes. When you're making pancakes, you have to add specific ingredients that include the pancake mix, eggs, oil, and milk, into a bowl. The ingredients symbolize the technologies such as HTML, ActiveX, and VBScript. The bowl symbolizes the project that provides a workspace for you to work with the ingredients. Once you have mixed the ingredients in a bowl, you cook the results to produce the finished product. Likewise, once you have finished cooking up your Web pages with Visual InterDev, you will deploy them for display on your Web server.

Understanding a Visual InterDev Project

A Visual InterDev project consists of multiple files that integrate to form your web site and Web-based application. During development, you can install both the client and server portions on the same machine. YesterChapter, you learned about the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. A more typical configuration enables the Visual InterDev development environment on the client machine to access all of the files on a central web server. These files are downloaded from the server to your machine in a local working directory so you can make any changes to your code. Possible project files include HTML files, Active Server Pages, images, and other components that make up your web site.

When you create a new Visual InterDev project, Visual InterDev builds a sub-directory for your web within the root directory of your web server. Your project files will be stored within this sub-directory. The name of this sub-directory assumes the name of your project. For example, if you named your project MyFirstProject, a folder would be created within the root directory of your Web server called MyFirstProject.

You also can create sub-directory folders from within Visual InterDev to organize your files within your project directory. An example would be the Images sub-directory that's created by default when you create a Visual InterDev project. This directory structure contains all of the master copies of your files. A virtual root directory for your Web site also is created on your web server. This virtual root directory takes on the name of your project and points to the files within your project sub-directory.

The virtual root represents the directory that contains all of the files for a project on your Web server. The virtual root is comprised of the Web server name and the virtual root directory for your project. The Web server name also is referred to as the domain name. The following example shows a virtual root for a sample project.


In this example, you see how the name of the Web server, MyServer, and the name of a project, MyFirstProject, join together to form a virtual root for your application. You can see the virtual root for your application from within Visual InterDev, using FileView. Visual InterDev saves you time by handling the creation of this virtual directory structure.

The advantage of the virtual root is that users can access your files through a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) instead of having to search through your project file directory structure. Taking this example a step further, a sample URL for your project might consist of the following:


where Default.asp is the name of a web page in your project.

By default, a global file (global.asa) and a search file (search.asp) are created. These files are placed in the root of your web project directory. The global file enables you to place server-side script for initialization and termination routines for your session and application. The search file adds full text searching capabilities to your web pages. Visual InterDev also creates a local working directory on your client machine. This working directory serves as a placeholder for the server files as you access them.

Working with Files

The project workspace is the pane on the left-hand side of the Visual InterDev development environment workspace. The project workspace consists of three views: FileView, DataView, and InfoView. Each of these views appears as a tab at the bottom of the project workspace based on what you're currently working on within Visual InterDev.

Once you have created a project, you will begin to work with the files within that project. Some files will be created for you. You will add other files as you design and develop your application, and use the FileView to interact with your project files. The FileView provides a Windows Explorer-like interface, enabling you to effectively create and maintain your files and folders. The FileView uses most of the Explorer functions like drag-and-drop support for moving files and right mouse button support for accessing the shortcut menu for a particular file. You can add files and create new folders for existing files.

The DataView enables you to view all of your database objects from the database server. The DataView becomes accessible when you add a database connection to an Active Server Page within your project. You can interact with each object and display the results to the right of the project workspace pane. This view is very similar to the FileView. The only difference is that you are manipulating objects in your database as opposed to files on your web server.

The InfoView enables you to view the help files and topics regarding Developer and Visual InterDev. InfoView uses the guide metaphor that became a standard for help files using the Windows 95 interface. You are presented topics and a table of contents for each topic. You can then probe deeper into the contents and display the contents to the right of this pane. When you open Visual InterDev, InfoView is displayed by default. The other views are available as you open a workspace and files and insert database connections into your applications.

Visual InterDev provides several methods for you to open your project. You can use the Open command from the File menu which concentrates on opening a specific file type like HTML files and images. You also can use the Open Workspace command from the File menu. This option focuses on a project and workspace. You will use the Open Workspace option most of the time.

TIP: Visual InterDev provides a feature that enables you to access your most recent files and workspaces. This feature is similar to Microsoft Word and Excel in that it provides a list of the most recent files or the most recent workspaces that you have opened. These two options are available at the bottom of the File menu.

You can open a file with its native editor by double-clicking on the file. You also can select the file and right-click the mouse to display the shortcut menu. Then, you can select the Open menu option to open the file with its default editor.

You also can choose the Open With menu option to open the file with another application, as long as the selected program supports the file type. When you open a file in your project, the client first attempts to get the file from the working directory on the client machine. If no working copy exists, the client machine requests a working copy from the server. The server machine sends a copy of the master file to the client and places the file in the working directory of the client machine.

Visual InterDev provides visual cues to indicate the status of the file. The icon for a file that has a working copy resident on the client machine is colored, and the icon for a file type that doesn't have a working copy resident on the client machine or that is read-only is grayed.

You can request a working copy from the server by selecting the file and choosing the Get Working Copy option from the shortcut menu. This command retrieves the file from the server.

If you have already retrieved a working copy and made changes to the file, a warning message is displayed, indicating that you already have a working copy of the file. The message asks whether you want to use the local file or the copy from the server as your working copy. The dialog window displays the file statistics for both the server master copy and the local file, including the name, date, and time of each. You then can choose to use the existing local file, use the master copy from the server, or cancel the action.

Figure 4.1 displays the Confirm Get dialog window for a sample project file that already has a local file on the client machine.

Figure 4.1.

The Confirm Get dialog window.

After you have made changes to a file, you choose the Save, Save As, or Save All option to save your changes. This action updates the master copy on the server. The Save command saves the current file, while the Save As command enables you to save the file with another name. The Save All option saves all the files in your project.

Visual InterDev won't inherently resolve conflicts between changes and updates to files. When you get a working copy of a file from the server, you don't place a lock on this file to keep others from retrieving and making changes to the file. Also, the server won't warn you that someone has checked out this file.

For big development teams, you should use a source code control package. Visual InterDev is fully compatible with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe and can be integrated to provide a robust option for managing your project source code. By using this combination, you can ensure that developers can exclusively check out files from the server. When the updates are made, a developer can send the file back to the server for others to access. On Chapter 19, "Working Effectively in Teams with Visual SourceSafe," you will learn how to use and integrate Visual SourceSafe with your Visual InterDev projects.

Visual InterDev uses a client-server model for development that's very effective. This model is similar to the interaction of a production web site. Your information is downloaded to the client upon request. You interact with the information, and the changes are sent back to the server.

Dissecting the Components of a Visual InterDev Project

A Visual InterDev can contain many individual files and components. In this section, you will be guided through this maze and introduced to the most common and relevant files that you will be working with.

Web Project Files

These files are the main ingredients of which your web site is comprised. The most typical files in this category include the following:

  • HTML files

  • Global file

  • Image and multimedia files

  • Active Server Pages

  • ActiveX Layout files

HTML Files

HTML files contain your HTML code and are denoted with the .asp extension. These files also might contain objects such as ActiveX controls, Java applets, Netscape plug-ins, ActiveX Layout files, and images and multimedia files. You can activate the appropriate editor for most of these objects by placing the cursor over the file reference in the HTML code and right-clicking on the mouse. This action displays a shortcut menu containing a menu item for editing the object. You can select the menu option, and the object will be opened in its native editor. For example, right-clicking the mouse while your cursor is on an ActiveX control reference in your HTML file opens the Object Editor. Your cursor must be placed between the <OBJECT> tags for that control.

On Chapter 2, "Visual InterDev: Up Close and Personal," you received a brief overview of the HTML editors that are provided with Visual InterDev. You have two main choices to create and edit your basic HTML code: the HTML Source Editor and the FrontPage Editor for Visual InterDev. The HTML Source Editor provides a specialized text editor that enables you to create and maintain your HTML code. This editor provides some specialized features over basic text editors in that the HTML Source Editor displays your HTML code in a color-coded fashion. This format enables you to distinguish the different types of text within the file. For example, HTML code is a different color than your comments within the code. The FrontPage Editor enables you to visually create your HTML web page. You select objects and choose properties for your web page, and this WYSIWYG editor generates the HTML for you. You still can access and manipulate the generated HTML. You also can add your own custom HTML.

If you're stubborn and want to stick with Notepad or some other editor, Visual InterDev also enables you to use other editors to create HTML code. You then can import this code into your Visual InterDev project.

You also can create client-side script to be included in your HTML files. This script will be downloaded from the server with the web page and will be executed on the client machine. An example of client-side script would be providing basic field validation for a form.

You can create client-side script by using the available HTML editors within Visual InterDev or another editor. The script code is denoted by the <% %> delimiters and is located between the <SCRIPT> and </SCRIPT> tags. Visual InterDev supports Microsoft's VBScript as the default scripting language, and you also can use Microsoft's implementation of JavaScript called JScript from within a Visual InterDev project.

Global File

This file is automatically generated when you create a new project and is denoted by the .asa file extension. The global.asa file enables you to use server-side script for initializing your application at start-up, handling your database connections, and cleaning up the application when the application is finished. You can add scripting code for the duration of both the application and the user sessions.

A user session enables you to maintain state with the client machine. An example of using the session events would be maintaining a database connection with the client machine. This persistent state can be very useful for tasks such as high-volume sales order entry applications where you need to make sure that the order is confirmed. Figure 4.2 shows an example of the global.asa file that is created by Visual InterDev when you begin a new project.

Figure 4.2.

The global.asa file as viewed through the HTML Source Editor.

Figure 4.2 shows how Visual InterDev creates a shell for your scripting code. The scripting code is indicated at the top of the file. This example uses VBScript as its default scripting language. The RUNAT=Server command instructs Visual InterDev to execute this script at the server. Comments are included to show you where to put your application and session code. Notice the four sub-procedures that are created for your application within this file: Session_OnStart, Session_OnEnd, Application_OnStart, and Application_OnEnd.

The Application_OnStart event is initiated when the application is first accessed. Specifically, this code is executed when the first page of the application is requested. You use this event to make information available to all users of your applications. For example, if you wanted to set a variable or display a message for all client machines that requested your application, you would populate the variable or define the message in this event. Then, as users accessed your application, the variable and message would be available to them. This information also is available to any of your web pages. You can use this event to reduce redundancy in your code.

The Application_OnEnd event executes when the web server is stopped. You should include termination and clean-up routines for ensuring that the application finishes cleanly and smoothly. Also, you might want to add checks for any unsaved data.

The Session_OnStart event is activated when the user requests a first page. When you add database connection to your application, the scripting code for that connection is placed in the Session_OnStart event. Each session is unique to a user and absorbs some server overhead. Use this event wisely, and resist the temptation to place too many objects in this event. Additional users can present a resource nightmare and burden. You can create objects at the page level to avoid the resource issue. A good use of the session event involves the use of Recordset variables to store database values across your web pages. In this way, you can avoid having to maintain access to those values across related web pages.

The Session_OnEnd event executes when the user session is over. A session can end in several ways. First, the session terminates if the user doesn't request a page within the time period specified by the Timeout property of the Session object. The default value for this property is 20 minutes. You can adjust this property based on your application needs. Also, you can specifically call the Abandon method of the Session object to end a session. Again, you would want to include any clean-up routines for the individual user session in this procedure. An example might include prompting for saving changes to data that was still being processed.

While adding a database connection to the Session event was touched on here, it will be discussed in detail on Chapter 8, "Communicating with a Database." For now, it's important that you see what a Session_OnStart procedure looks like for a database connection. Figure 4.3 depicts the Session_OnStart event that includes script for connecting to a Microsoft Access database.

Visual InterDev generated this scripting code when a database connection was selected to be inserted into the global.asa. Although you may be unfamiliar with the code, don't worry if you're scratching your head. The point of this illustration is to show you what scripting code in these four events looks like. You will become very comfortable interacting with a database during the second week.

Figure 4.3.

In this figure, the Session_OnStart event displays scripting code for connecting to a database.

Image and Multimedia Files

Visual InterDev includes several additional applications that enable you to create and manage image and multimedia files. These files can be easily incorporated into your project to enhance the user experience. Microsoft Image Composer, Music Producer, and Media Manager are very robust products and are discussed in detail toward the end of this week on Chapter 6, "Spicing Up Your Interface with Images and Multimedia." You also can use other products to create your images and multimedia files. Visual InterDev supports practically all of the standard Internet file formats for these objects.

You can work with these files by double-clicking on the particular file. This action causes the file to be opened with its native application if there's a default application associated with the file type. If no default application has been linked with this file, you need to use the Open With dialog window to associate an application from the listbox with this file. From this window, you can select a program from the list and press the Default push button to make this application the default editor for this file. You also can add applications as well as remove them from the list. Figure 4.4 displays the Open With dialog window for a .gif image that has been selected.

You also can use the Open With dialog window to open files with a different application than the program that has been associated with that file. Both editors must support the specified file type. For example, you can use Image Composer to open a .gif file that had been created with another graphics application.

Figure 4.4.

The Open With dialog window.

You also can open these files by selecting the file and right-clicking the mouse. The shortcut menu is displayed, and you can select either the Open or Open With menu option.

NOTE: Microsoft has developed a new standard file format for images and music compositions. Microsoft Image Composer defaults to the new .mic file extension. Image Composer also can save to file types such as CompuServe's Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) and other industry standards. Microsoft Music Producer saves compositions to the .mmp filename extension. Music Producer also can save to industry standard file formats such as the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI).

Active Server Pages

The first two Chapters gave you an introduction to Active Server Pages, which are special HTML pages that contain server-side script and are denoted by the .asp file extension. These files process on the server before sending the resulting HTML page to the client machine. Your choices for scripting languages include VBScript, JScript, Perl, and other scripting languages. Active Server Pages enable you to interface with ActiveX Server Components and to interact with your database.

You can use the HTML Source Editor in Visual InterDev to create and maintain these pages. You can insert an Active Server Page by choosing the New menu item from the File menu. Select the Active Server Pages option from the list and enter a filename for this page. The Add to Project option is checked by default, and the current project is displayed. The project directory for your files also is displayed as the default location to place your new page.

Figure 4.5 shows a highlighted Active Server Page and the options for creating this file from the File New dialog window.

Figure 4.5.

Creating an Active Server Page.

Figure 4.6 demonstrates the format of a newly created Active Server Page as seen through the HTML Source Editor.

The format of this page is practically the same as an HTML page. The scripting language is denoted at the top of the document. The page contains a Header, Title, and Body section. Comments are included so that you know where to place your HTML code. As a general guideline, you should place your scripting code at the bottom of this file before the </HTML> tag. You learn how to integrate Active Server Pages into your applications on Chapter 11, "Extending Your Application Through Active Server Script."

Figure 4.6.

A sample Active Server Page.

ActiveX Layout Files

ActiveX Layout files specify the exact placement of ActiveX controls onto your HTML pages. They are followed by an .alx extension. You can create these files with the Visual InterDev HTML Layout Editor, which provides you with a graphical environment to drag and drop controls in the layout and visually adjust their properties. Another feature enables you to place controls on top of other controls, which is similar to using a frame in Visual Basic to house a group of radio buttons or checkboxes. Once you have created your layout, you need to reference this .alx file within your HTML code. You can reference your layout files from either an Active Server Page (.asp file) or an HTML page (.asp file). A single layout file can be used by multiple web pages. A single HTML file or Active Server Page also can contain multiple layout files.

TIP: You should place multiple layouts included in a single HTML file in the order that you want them to appear on the page.

Listing 4.1 demonstrates how to reference an HTML Layout from within an HTML web page.

Listing 4.1. Referencing an HTML Layout.

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Developer Studio">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<TITLE>Simple Guest Registration</TITLE>
This page uses an HTML Layout to build a simple guest registration form
<!-- Here is the HTML Layout Reference -->
<OBJECT CLASSid="CLSID:812AE312-8B8E-11CF-93C8-00AA00C08FDF"
id="Html_Layout1" STYLE="LEFT:0;TOP:0">

The file MyFirstHTMLLayout.alx is a separate file in your project workspace and is referenced from the HTML file in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.7 depicts a project that contains all of the files that have been discussed so far and how they're displayed in FileView.

Figure 4.7.

A typical Visual InterDev project.

ActiveX Controls

During the first two Chapters you were introduced to ActiveX controls, which are another component that you will want to use in your applications. Just as you would use graphical controls in a client-server development tool like Visual Basic, ActiveX controls are the next generation of objects built especially for the Internet.

You will use the Object Editor as well as the HTML Layout Editor to establish the properties, actions, and layout of these controls. Visual InterDev includes many ActiveX controls to handle functions like database connectivity as well as the objects that you have probably used in the past to build client-server interfaces. Examples of these controls include checkboxes, radio buttons, push buttons, and the listbox. More advanced controls built specifically for Web-based applications include the ActiveMovie control and the Marquee control. Figure 4.8 shows an HTML web page that uses the ListBox control.

Figure 4.8.

An ActiveX control as displayed within the HTML code.

You should notice that the attributes for the control have been placed within the <OBJECT> and the </OBJECT> tags. To edit this control, you place your cursor somewhere between these two tags and right-click the mouse to display the shortcut menu. You then select Edit ActiveX control from the list of options. This action activates the Object Editor and enables you to establish or change the properties of this control.

You will interact with ActiveX controls on Chapter 13, "Interacting with Objects and ActiveX Controls," and you will learn how to truly integrate these objects into your applications for the best results on Chapter 15, "Integrating Objects into Your Applications."

Design-Time ActiveX Controls

You received a brief overview of Design-time ActiveX controls during the first two Chapters, and should know that these controls enable you to automatically generate HTML and scripting code by visually setting properties while designing your application. You insert an ActiveX control for your application and set the properties and attributes for the control. HTML and scripting code is generated based on the values that you set. This code is then executed at run time without the overhead of an actual object. Design-time controls are placed within an Active Server Page to handle actions such as connecting to a database. Design-time controls are covered in detail on Chapter 14, "Extending Web Pages Through Design-Time Controls."

Understanding the Development Process

This section focuses on the discussion on how Visual InterDev facilitates the development process. You will see the three distinct phases of application building:

1. Development

2. Testing


NOTE: There are many Systems Development Life Cycles and methodologies surrounding application development. Most of them include planning, gathering requirements, design, development, training, testing, conversion, and production. This discussion simplifies the process and focuses on the main phases involved in the implementation of an application. This discussion assumes that you have planned the project, gathered the requirements, and designed the application.

Along the way, you'll learn what each phase is comprised of and how you use Visual InterDev to accomplish the various tasks within each phase.


This phase focuses on building the application. So far, you have seen the most common files that you will use to design and develop your application. For a typical development project, you first create your web pages using HTML and a scripting language, possibly VBScript or JScript. Next, you develop an Active Server Page to handle your needs from the server, such as creating a dynamic web page or connecting to a database. You also might create an Active Server Page to control the flow of logic while interacting with an Active Server Component. You should insert a database connection into your application. For the sake of this example, the discussion is focused on using a server database such as MS SQL Server, although the basic tenets apply to desktop databases such as Microsoft Access, as well.

At the beginning of the Chapter, you learned how to get your files from the web server and load them into a working directory on your local machine. As you create your files, save them on the web server machine. Use the Visual Data Tools to interact with your database through an ODBC connection to the database server. This connection is live, and enables you to create and maintain objects and manipulate the data. You also can design and test your SQL calls for inserting, selecting, updating, and deleting data in the database.

Figure 4.9 gives an overview of the development architecture and process and how Visual InterDev facilitates this process.

Figure 4.9.

The development process.

Note that you use Visual InterDev on your development client machine to design and build your application. You interface directly with the development web server machine as well as the development database server. These interactions are distinct in nature. In other words, you maintain a network connection to the web server and interact with files on the server. You can use the Preview in Browser menu option to view your web pages and test the look and feel of the interface. The use of this command enables rapid application development by enabling you to test the web pages within the confines of Visual InterDev.

You also can use a commercial release of a browser to view your web pages within the eventual production environment. For database access, you're connected through an ODBC connection over the network. This architecture assumes that your network contains separate database and web server machines and that these machines are on the same network.


Once you build your application, you need to test it. This phase involves previewing the web pages in the browser to make sure that they're visually correct. You also need to make sure that your scripting code reacts to user events properly and creates the dynamic effect for your web pages. You need to test your database connections to make sure that your users are able to retrieve the correct information. On Chapter 3, "Design and Development Considerations," it was suggested that you write scenarios of tasks that users would need to accomplish through your application. You should use these test cycles to test specific user tasks and actions.

You will use the development client machine to preview the web pages through a browser. You can use the Preview in Browser command during the development and testing phase to view the web pages, but during the testing phase, you should use the browsers that will be in the production environment to test the whole application.

As you view the web pages, you will be accessing the web server machine. You should migrate your application from a development area to a separate test area, as suggested on Chapter 3. By using separate and distinct development and testing areas, you can manage different releases, changes, and fixes more effectively. Your developers have an environment to test individual changes that then can be migrated and incorporated with other developer changes to create a new release. This new release then can be tested in an environment similar to the production environment. After the application has been fully tested, the web site can be migrated to a separate production environment.

NOTE: While having separate environments for development, testing, and production is recommended, don't think that all of these areas have to reside on separate machines. You can place your development web site and testing web site on the same machine with different directory structures. You should, however, have a separate machine for the production environment web server for your applications and web sites.

In the development phase, you connected directly to the database server. During the testing phase, the client-server model changes. The web server now connects to your database server to process your database requests. While you still can connect to the database server directly from your client machine, you will want to simulate the production environment process for database connectivity using the web server as the central hub for these requests. The web server maintains an ODBC connection to the database server and processes and database request from the client. The web server receives the results and returns the formatted data to the client machine browser. Figure 4.10 illustrates this process.

Figure 4.10.

The testing process.


Once you have thoroughly tested your application, you will deploy the web site to a production environment. The user machine now becomes the client machine. A user requests web pages from the web server, and the web server processes the request by executing any server-side script and interacting with the database server to send the resulting pages back to the user's client machine browser. As the user interacts with a page, client-side script is executed on the client machine, based on certain user events and actions.

Visual InterDev contains some good tools for supporting these phases of developing and deploying a web site. Many of them will be discussed in detail on Chapter 18, "Managing Your Web Site Files with Visual InterDev."

Now that you have learned the Visual InterDev architecture and process, you're ready to develop your first application using Visual InterDev.

Creating Your First Hello Web Application

For the final lesson of the Chapter, you will build your first application, a Hello Web application, using Visual InterDev. You will be provided with a list of tasks and steps to accomplish, as well as all the code examples you need to add. Make sure that you pay attention to the steps and code examples, and think about the tasks as you do them so that you understand what you're doing each step of the way. Remember, there will be a quiz at the end of the chapter, and you may be asked to accomplish additional tasks on your own during the workshop at the end of the Chapter.

Overview of the Hello Web Application

You need to see an overview of the application before you can begin the development process. You are going to create a Hello Web application, a simple web site that will give you an introduction to using the Visual InterDev development environment. Although creating the application is simple, you will be learning the basic application building techniques and how best to accomplish those tasks using Visual InterDev. The tenets that you learn in this lesson will serve as the foundation for every other application that you construct.

The Hello Web application consists of a web page that displays a personalized Hello Web greeting. Figure 4.11 illustrates the main web page.

As you can see from this figure, the Hello Web application consists of a web page with two label controls, two text box controls, and two push buttons. The label controls are named First Name and Greeting. These controls define the contents of the text box controls to the right of each label. The push buttons are labeled Submit and Reset. The objective of this application is to provide the user with a personalized greeting when the user types in his or her name and presses the Say Hello push button. Figure 4.12 displays the results from typing Mike in the name field and pressing the Say Hello push button.

Figure 4.11.

The Hello Web application.

Figure 4.12.

Saying Hello Web.

When the user presses the Reset push button, the greeting is cleared from the web page, enabling the user to start over and enter a new name.

This application enables you to interact with an HTML Page, an HTML Layout, an Active Server Page, and VBScript.

Creating the Hello Web Project

Now that you have a roadmap, you can begin construction. First, if you haven't already opened Visual InterDev, you need to do so now. The InfoView will be opened by default. Select the New menu option from the File menu. This action will display a tabbed dialog window with many choices. The five tabs at the top represent the categories of new files that you can create within Visual InterDev. Figure 4.13 displays the File New dialog window with the available categories.

Figure 4.13.

The File New dialog window.

As you can see from Figure 4.13, the five categories are Files, File Wizards, Projects, Workspaces, and Other Documents. The following section briefly discusses what each of these categories represents.

The Files category represents individual files. By using the tab that refers to it, the Files tab, you can add specific file types to your Visual InterDev project. The available choices are displayed in Figure 4.13. This dialog window was mentioned earlier in this chapter during the discussion of the creation of Active Server Pages. If you don't have a project opened, all of the options are grayed out. This tab will be discussed further after you create the project.

The File Wizards tab is the next dialog window. The File Wizards dialog enables you to use wizards to create certain types of files for your project. These wizards help you create your file through a step-by-step process. The available types of wizards include the Data Form Wizard and the Template Page Wizard. The Data Form Wizard enables you to create an ActiveX HTML form that is bound to a database. The Template Page Wizard enables you to create a web page based on a predefined template.

Figure 4.14 shows the File Wizards tab and the wizards available for creating files for your projects.

Figure 4.14.

The File Wizards tab.

Visual InterDev enables you to create several types of projects with the Projects tab. Additionally, wizards are provided to create most of the different types of projects. Figure 4.15 displays the available types of projects that you can create.

Several fields are displayed to the right of the list in Figure 4.15, including Project Name and Location. You must enter a name for your project into the Project Name field.

The default location for your projects is the MyProjects sub-directory within the DevStudio directory. You can change this location if you want to place your projects in another directory.

NOTE: The project location that you select is your working directory, where all files that you retrieve from the server are placed. After you make changes to the local copy, these files are returned to update the master copy on the server.

Figure 4.15.

The Projects tab.

You also have two options located beneath the Location field. The first radio button enables you to create a new project workspace. The second option enables you to add the project to the current project workspace. You must have a project workspace open in order for this option to be enabled.

Database Project is the first choice in the list of projects to create. A database project enables you to manage your database objects in the context of a specific project. A live connection to the database is maintained, and you can use the Visual Data Tools to create, edit, and manage your data and objects in the database.

The Sample Application Wizard enables you to install sample applications on your web server and database server including data that is needed by the sample application. You have the option of installing a Visual InterDev application or a custom application.

The Web Project Wizard enables you to create a new Visual InterDev web project. You will become very familiar with this wizard and use it often to create your new projects. In a few moments, you will use this wizard to create the Hello Web project.

The New Database Wizard enables you to define and create a new MS SQL Server database. This wizard also automatically creates a new database project for you to administrate this new database.

The Departmental Site Wizard creates an entire web site for a typical department or workgroup, based on pre-defined templates. Web pages that are generated with the site include a What's New page, a Feedback Form page, a Projects page, a Products page, a Teams page, and a Department Overview page. You can select some or all of these pages to be included in the departmental web site.

The Workspaces tab is the next category of files that you can create from the File New dialog window. You can create a blank workspace from this tab by selecting the Blank Workspace from the list. You must enter a name for your workspace in the Workspace Name field to the right of the list. The default location is the MyProjects sub-directory within the DevStudio directory. You can change this field to another directory.

The Other Documents tab enables you to add other documents to your project, such as a Microsoft Word document. For example, you might want to include design specifications documented in Word within the confines of your Visual InterDev project. Another example would be a Word document that you want to insert into an HTML page.

Now that you have learned about all of the tabs on the File New dialog window, it's time to create that new project. You are going to create a new Visual InterDev project entitled Hello Web that will be created in the MyProjects sub-directory within the DevStudio directory. The following instructions will guide you through this process.

1. Choose the Projects tab and select the Web Project Wizard.

Press the Tab key to place your cursor in the Project Name field.

Type the words HelloWeb into the Project Name field.

Accept the defaults for the location and creating a new project workspace and click OK.

NOTE: If you accepted the defaults during the installation of Visual InterDev, the location should default to C:\Program Files\DevStudio\MyProjects\. You may have changed the directory for your Visual InterDev to be something other than the Program Files directory. Whatever the case, for step 4, make sure that you create the new project in the DevStudio\MyProjects folder. This will make it easier to follow along with the instructions and examples.

The Web Project Wizard should now be displayed. There are two steps to creating a new web project. First, you must specify the target web server for the project. Figure 4.16 shows the first step in creating a new web project.

You must select or enter the name of your web server in the Server Name combo box. The name of the web server is also referred to as the domain name. If you're connected to a web server through a network, you should enter the name of that web server. If you're running a local configuration on a standalone machine, you should enter the name of the web server on your local machine.

Figure 4.16.

The Web Project Wizard--Step 1.

TIP: If you don't know the server name, you can discover it by identifying the computer name for the web server. For example, you can identify the computer name for a standalone web server configuration by right-clicking on the Network Neighborhood icon on the desktop and selecting Properties from the shortcut menu. Choose the Identification tab. This dialog window will then display the computer name for that computer, which is also the name of the web server.

You also have the option of selecting the Connect using SSL checkbox. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer from Netscape and enables you to connect to the server through this Netscape standard.

After you enter your server name, press the Next push button. The Web Project Wizard contacts the web server and retrieves a list of the current webs on the web server.

WARNING: You may get the Cannot Contact Server error message if the Web Project Wizard can't contact the web server. Click OK on this dialog window and you're taken back to the Web Project Wizard. Verify that you entered the correct server name. If the name is correct, verify that the server is running and then click Next to advance to step 2.

In step 2 of creating a new web project, the Web Project Wizard will prompt you to either create a new web for your project or connect to an existing web on the web server. Figure 4.17 shows that the Create New Web option is selected by default on the step 2 dialog window of the Web Project Wizard.

Figure 4.17.

The Web Project Wizard--Step 2.

The Web Project Wizard displays a web name that is the same as your project name in the Name field under the Create New Web radio button. Your dialog window should look the same as the window in Figure 4.17. The checkbox to enable full text searching of the web pages within this site is selected by default.

The other option on this dialog window enables you to create a project as part of an existing web site. Use this option if you want to add new applications to your current web site. If you select this radio button, the Name combo box will enable you to choose from the list of web sites on your server. Choosing the root web option places the project in the root of your web server.

Make sure that the Create New Web radio button is selected and that the name of the web is HelloWeb. Accept the default to enable full text searching of the web site. Press the Finish push button and your new web project will be created.

Analyzing the Results

You should now be looking at your project within Visual InterDev. The next section helps you analyze the results of your actions.

Analyzing the Server

The Web Project Wizard created a new web with a directory (both named HelloWeb) for your project files on the server. Your project directory and project files are contained within the root directory for your web server. For example, if you're using Microsoft Internet Information Server, the folder HelloWeb is located within the wwwroot directory. Using the Windows Explorer, Figure 4.18 shows the file directory structure for the HelloWeb web site.

Figure 4.18.

The HelloWeb server files.

In the preceding figure, the global.asa and the search.asp files have been created in the root of your web directory. Also, an images folder has been created by default within the HelloWeb directory. You can create additional folders to further organize your files from within the Visual InterDev development environment.

Analyzing the Client

The Web Project Wizard also created a HelloWeb directory on your client machine. This working directory serves as the placeholder for server master files that you retrieve from your web project directory. When you retrieve these files, you're making a working copy to manipulate and then copy back to the server. This directory structure is the same as the directory structure on the web server. A copy of the global.asa is copied from the server. Also, several additional project files are generated in the client working directory. Figure 4.19 shows the HelloWeb file structure for a client machine.

Figure 4.19.

The HelloWeb client files.

These are project files for your application. The two most notable files are HelloWeb.dsw and HelloWeb.dsp. The .dsw suffix denotes that the file is a project workspace. The .dsp extension indicates that the file is a project. Recall the discussion of the File New dialog window, in which one tab enabled you to create a blank workspace and another enabled you to create new projects.

A workspace can have multiple projects, but a project can have only one workspace. In other words, a workspace has a one-to-many relationship with a project, and a project has a many-to-one relationship with a workspace. For example, you could have a database project and a web project all contained within one workspace.

Analyzing Visual InterDev

Now that you know what the Web Project Wizard has created behind the scenes, it's time to take a look at these files through the eyes of Visual InterDev. Within the Visual InterDev development environment, you should see the HelloWeb project workspace. The HelloWeb project is displayed in File View by default. You can see that the FileView tab has been added to the project workspace area on the right-hand side of the Visual InterDev workspace. The virtual root for this project is displayed as the top node within the File View. Your virtual root should be similar to the one created in Figure 4.20.

Figure 4.20.

Visual InterDev displays the HelloWeb project.

Remember that the virtual root is the combination of y
our server name and the name of your web site. In this example, the name of the server is myserver and the name of the project is HelloWeb. These names combine to form the virtual root of //myserver/HelloWeb. The + sign to the left of the virtual root indicates that there are files and/or folders located within this directory. Double-click on the virtual root to expand the directory structure and view your project files.

You should now see the global.asa and the search.asp files as well as the images folder. The icon for the global and search files should be gray, which means that you don't have a working copy of the files. Double-click on the global.asa file to retrieve a working copy.

TIP: To get the working copy of a file, you also can select the file and right-click the mouse to display the shortcut menu. Choose the Get Working Copy menu option to get a working copy from the server. Selecting the Open menu item also retrieves a working copy of the file from the server. The Open command tries to open a copy of the file from your local working directory. If a working copy doesn't exist, this command executes the Get Working Copy command to retrieve the file from the server.

Two things happen as a result of this action. First, Visual InterDev will retrieve a working copy of the file from the web server into the local working directory of your client machine. A message is displayed beneath the tabs of the project workspace indicating that the working copy is being retrieved from the web server. Second, Visual InterDev displays the file's contents in the pane to the right of the project workspace.

You will be interacting with these two panes a lot, so it's important to understand how they work. When you open a file within your project, Visual InterDev uses the default editor for the file to display its contents. For example, when you opened the global.asa file, the contents were displayed using the HTML Source Editor, which is the default editor for HTML and script files.

Another good example involves ActiveX and Design-time ActiveX controls. For these controls, the Object Editor is activated to display the object's contents and settings. You learned how to change the default editor earlier toChapter when working with images and multimedia files was discussed. You could change the default editor for an HTML file from the HTML Source Editor to the FrontPage Editor for Visual InterDev.

Constructing the Web Page

Now that you have examined the initial files for your project, it's time to construct the main web page using basic HTML. The following instructions will guide you through the process.

1. Select the virtual root and choose the New menu option from the File menu. The Files tab should be displayed.

Select the HTML Page option and type the name Default.asp in the Filename field.

Accept the defaults for the rest of the fields and press the OK button.

Visual InterDev creates a basic HTML page named Default.asp and adds this file to your project workspace.

TIP: Visual InterDev automatically adds the correct file extension to the file- name based on the file type that you have selected. In the preceding example, you chose to create an HTML file. Based on that selection, you could have just entered Default. Visual InterDev would then have added the .asp extension to your file.

Your Visual InterDev workspace should now look like Figure 4.21.

Figure 4.21.

The HTML shell.

Visual InterDev created a basic template for you to use while constructing your HTML web page. Notice the format of the HTML template. You have a header section that includes space for a title for your web page. You also have a body section for you to place the main section of your web page. The other lines aren't important for the purposes of this lesson.

The following are your instructions for creating the content for the web page:

1. Highlight the words Document Title between the <TITLE> and </TITLE> tags.

Type the words The Hello Web Application.

Highlight the whole Insert HTML here comment line.

Type the following code:
<H3>Welcome to the Hello Web Home Page!</H3>
The purpose of the Hello Web Application is to allow you 
to type in your name and present a personalized greeting
from the Web. Please enter your name in the field provided. 
When you press the Say Hello button, the Web will become 

Now that you have entered your HTML code, you're going to preview your results in a browser. You first need to save your project. To do this, choose the Save All menu item within the File menu. This option saves all of the files in your project.

To preview your web page, use the Preview in Browser function. Remember, this browser is an implementation of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. To use this browser, select the Default.asp file and right-click the mouse to display the shortcut menu. Choose the Preview in Browser option. Figure 4.22 shows what your web page should look like using this option.

Figure 4.22.

The Preview in Browser view.

Now select your HTML file again and this time choose the Browse With option from the shortcut menu to see the difference between the two options.

Constructing the HTML Layout File

You are now going to construct the HTML Layout file to be included on your main web page. The HTML Layout enables you to precisely position your controls on the web page. The following are the instructions for constructing your HTML Layout:

1. To create a new HTML Layout, select the File menu and click New.

Select the HTML Layout option from the Files tab.

Type the name Say Hello in the Filename field.

Click the OK push button.

The HTML Layout is then created. The file Say Hello.alx should now be displayed in your project workspace, and the HTML Layout Editor should be active in your display pane. You also should have a floating toolbox containing multiple objects and controls and a floating HTML Layout toolbar that contains buttons that affect the appearance of these controls.

TIP: You can place, or dock, the HTML Layout toolbar on the main Visual InterDev toolbar. Position your mouse over the title bar area of the toolbar, click the left mouse button, and simultaneously drag the HTML toolbar to the preferred area of the Visual InterDev toolbar. When you release the mouse, the HTML toolbar becomes part of the main Visual InterDev toolbar. To reverse this action, place your cursor over the double line area of the HTML toolbar and drag the toolbar into the Visual InterDev workspace. The HTML toolbar becomes a floating toolbar again.

Figure 4.23 illustrates the features of the HTML Layout Editor and the available controls and options.

Figure 4.23.

The HTML Layout Editor.

The HTML Layout Editor provides a form for you to place your controls in. The controls are located on the toolbox. As you can see from the preceding figure, you have several objects for creating a basic user interface.

If you're familiar with the ActiveX Control Pad or Visual Basic, you will be very comfortable using the HTML Layout Editor. The basic method of creating your interface is the same. The process consists of placing objects, or controls, onto the form, properly positioning these controls, and setting their properties.

A property defines how the controls look and behave. For example, you can set the property of a form to be a certain height, width, and background color. Every control has a distinct set of properties. These properties have default values that you can change.

The HTML Layout Editor is covered in detail on Chapter 13. For now, add the controls to your form and set their properties. To add a control to the form, select the object from the toolbar and then click your mouse on the area of the form where you want the control placed.

NOTE: Similar to other application toolbars, the Tooltips message for each control displays as you rest your mouse over the control, indicating the type of control.
1. Click your mouse on the label control.

Place your mouse on an area of the form and click the left mouse button. For right now, where you place the control isn't important.

Repeat step 2.

You should now have two label controls painted on your form. The default names of these controls are Label1 and Label2. When using controls, you should always change the name and ID of the control to a distinct and descriptive name. Also, these labels were created using a default length, height, and width.

TIP: To change the properties for a control, put your cursor in the field next to the property and enter the value or text for the property.
1. Double-click on the Label1 control. This displays the properties windows for this control.

Put your cursor in the field next to the Caption and change the name of the caption to Name:.

Change the value of the ID property to lblName.

Change the Height and Width properties to 17 and 50 respectively.

Change the Left property to 17 and the Top property to 33.

Click the X in the top right-hand corner of the Properties dialog window to close the window.

Now you're going to change the properties for the second label control. On Chapter 13 you will learn more tips and shortcuts that will increase your productivity when painting controls.

1. Double-click the Label2 control.

Change the Name of the property to Greeting:.

Change the value of the ID to lblGreeting.

Change the Height and Width to 17 and 50 respectively.

Change the Left property to 17 and the Top property to 74.

Click the X in the top right-hand corner of the Properties dialog window to close the window.

You are now going to paint the text box controls onto the window. Follow the same method that you just used to place the label controls on the form. The text box control is located next to the label control. After you paint the two text box controls onto the form, follow these instructions to set the properties of the controls:

1. Double-click the first text box.

Change the ID property to txtName.

Change the Height and Width to 18 and 66 respectively.

Change the Left property to 74 and the Top property to 33.

Click the X in the top right-hand corner of the Properties dialog window to close the window.

Now change the properties for the second text box:

1. Double-click the second text box.

Change the ID property to txtGreeting.

Change the Height and Width to 18 and 66 respectively.

Change the Left property to 74 and the Top property to 74.

Click the X in the top right-hand corner of the Properties dialog window to close the window.

Finally, you need to paint the command buttons onto your form. These buttons also are referred to as push buttons. Refer to the previous Note on Tooltips for help. After you have placed two push buttons on your form, change the following properties.

1. Double-click the first command button.

Change the Caption to Say Hello.

Change the ID property to cmdSayHello.

Change the Height and Width to 25 and 74 respectively.

Change the Left property to 140 and the Top property to 132.

Click the X in the top right-hand corner of the Properties dialog window to close the window.

Now it's time to change the second push button.

1. Double-click the second command button.

Change the Caption to Reset.

Change the ID property to cmdReset.

Change the Height and Width to 25 and 74 respectively.

Change the Left property to 223 and the Top property to 132.

Click the X in the top right-hand corner of the Properties dialog window to close the window.

You have one remaining task to complete. You need to set the properties for the form. To set the properties of a form, double-click the form itself. The following are the changes you need to make:

1. Change the ID property to laySayHello.

Change the Height and Width to 200 and 313 respectively.

Click the X in the top right-hand corner of the Properties dialog window to close the window.

You have now created an HTML Layout. This process may have been a review for some of you. The next section shows you the final stage of putting these components together.

Using the HTML Layout

Now that you have constructed your HTML Layout, you need to reference this layout form within your HTML web page. Open your HTML page from the project workspace and follow these instructions:

1. Place your cursor two lines below the <HR> tag.

Right-click the mouse to display the shortcut menu.

Choose the Insert HTML Layout option from the shortcut menu. This action displays the Select HTML Layout dialog window. This dialog should display your project as well as the contents of your project, which include the file SayHello.alx.

Select the file SayHello.alx and click the OK push button.

An HTML Layout is inserted into your HTML file. The layout is denoted by the <OBJECT> tags.

Adding the Code

The final step in this process is adding the logic for your application. You are going to use the Script Wizard to accomplish this function.

1. Place your cursor somewhere inside the <OBJECT> and </OBJECT> tags.

Right-click the mouse to display the shortcut menu.

Choose the Edit HTML Layout option from the shortcut menu. This action displays the HTML Layout Editor for you to edit your .alx file.

Select the Say Hello push button and click the right mouse button to display the shortcut menu.

Choose the Script Wizard option. This action displays the Script Wizard dialog window.

You should be looking at the same window that is shown in Figure 4.24.

Figure 4.24.

Adding code using the Script Wizard.

The Script Wizard enables you to choose controls and related events and associate actions for those events. The List View is the default view for this dialog window and enables you to build your code through a point-and-click metaphor.

As you can see from Figure 4.24, the first pane is the Event Pane, which displays your form's controls and their possible events. The pane to the right of the Event Pane is the Action Pane, which shows the actions for these controls. The bottom pane is the Script Pane and shows the results of your choices in the first two panes. As you build select control events and actions, your code is displayed in the Script Pane.

The Script Wizard is covered in detail on Chapter 15. For now, use the following instructions to build your application logic:

1. Double-click the cmdSayHello control in the Event Pane. This action expands the view to display all of the selected control's possible events.

Select the Click event.

Double-click on the txtGreeting control in the Action Pane. This action expands the view to display the available properties for the selected control.

Select the Text property. The Insert Action push button should now be enabled.

Press the Insert Action push button to insert your code. This action will display a dialog window for you to enter the text string property for this action. You can either enter some text or choose the Custom push button to enter a single value or a variable name.

Choose the Custom push button.

Type the words txtName.Text, which represents the text value that is contained in the Name text box, and click OK. You should now see the object and action within the List View of the Script Pane.

With the Script Pane line item selected, choose the Code View radio button located to the right of the List View option. This action changes the display of the Script Pane to Code View.

Modify your code to look like the following:
Sub cmdSayHello_Click()
txtGreeting.Text = "Hello " + txtName.Text
10. Press the OK push button to confirm the code modification.

From the Script Wizard dialog window, press OK again to confirm your application logic.

For the Reset push button, follow the same method that you used for the Say Hello push button:

1. Double-click the cmdReset control in the Event Pane. This action expands the view to display all of the selected control's possible events.

Select the Click event.

Double-click the txtGreeting control in the Action Pane. This action expands the view to display the available properties for the selected control.

Select the Text property. The Insert Action push button should now be enabled.

Press the Insert Action push button to insert your code. This action displays a dialog window for you to enter the text string property for this action.

6. Press the OK push button without entering any text. This action clears the value of the text. If you view the results in Code View, you will see that txtGreeting. Text is set to " ", or null.

7. Repeat steps 3-6 for the Text property of the txtName control.

From the Script Wizard dialog window, press OK again to confirm your application logic.

You are now ready to preview the results of your first project. Before moving on, you should choose the Save All menu from the File menu to save your work.

Interacting with the Final Product

You can either use the Preview in Browser or the Browse With function from the File menu to view your first web application. You should be able to enter your name and press the Say Hello push button to display the personalized greeting. When you press the Reset push button, the Name and the Greeting fields should be cleared, enabling you to enter another name.

Refer back to Figures 4.11 and 4.12 to verify your results. Does your application look the same? If not, check to make sure that you followed the steps correctly.


ToChapter was a long but very productive Chapter. You finally got a chance to interact with Visual InterDev and develop your first application. As you can tell, Visual InterDev is very easy to use once you get a feel for the features.

This morning, you explored a standard project, learning about the different files and components. You learned about the concept of a Visual InterDev project by comparing it to making pancakes, then about the virtual root and how Visual InterDev builds the virtual root based on your project name. Next, you read about working with Visual InterDev files and learned some of the more common files within a Visual InterDev project. During the middle part of the Chapter, the Visual InterDev development process was discussed. You learned how Visual InterDev facilitates each phase of this process from development to deployment.

The final part of the Chapter was spent developing your first project--the Hello Web application. You received a hands-on approach to development through each step involved in building this application. Throughout the Chapter, you the saw Visual InterDev development environment, including pertinent dialog windows and menu options. The lessons you learned toChapter will prove invaluable as you delve deeper into Visual InterDev's features and capabilities.


Q What is the difference between a workspace and a project?

A project is a collection of files that join together to accomplish some specified purpose. For example, a web project is made up of HTML files, Active Server Pages, and ActiveX Layout files that work together to build a web site and application. Another example is a database project, which is comprised of database objects that enable a programmer to manipulate a database. The project operates within the confines of a workspace. A workspace allows the project or projects to accomplish their mission. Going back to the pancake example, the kitchen or house is analogous to the workspace. A workspace can contain multiple projects.

Q How can I create additional folders for my project?

You can create new folders for your project within the confines of the Visual InterDev development environment. Right-click the mouse on the virtual root in your project workspace to display the shortcut menu. Choose the New Folder option from the menu, enter a name for your folder, and click OK.

Q Can I configure my Netscape Navigator browser to work with Visual InterDev?

Yes. Visual InterDev includes Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can, however, add another browser including Netscape Navigator or Communicator from the Browse With dialog window.


In toChapter's workshop, you create your own application. Use toChapter's lesson as a guide to create your web page and HTML Layout. You should practice using the various components that you learned about toChapter. Begin by starting a new project and walk through the whole process. Also, use the Windows Explorer to view the file structures and files as they are created. You should understand the basic building blocks by using Visual InterDev to produce your application. Practice makes perfect!


1. What two components make up the virtual root?

What is the purpose of the virtual root?

. How do I link my HTML Layout with my web page?

What are the two views of the Script Wizard?

Quiz Answers

1. The virtual root is comprised of the name of your web server and your project name.

The virtual root enables a user to logically access your web without knowing the physical location of your files and the file directory structure. By selecting the virtual root URL, a user can have access to all of the web page files within the application.

To link an HTML Layout with an HTML web page, you need to reference the layout from within the HTML file. To accomplish this, click within the <HTML> tags in your HTML file and choose the insert HTML Layout option. This dialog enables you to pick an HTML Layout to insert into your web page.

The two views of the Script Wizard are List View and Code View.