- Software titles for Sardine Software

Software titles : 1-4 of  4 found.

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1 - Easy WinKey Blocker  1.0
Easy Winkey Blocker is a small program that sits in your System tray gives you quick access to Disable and Block the Left, Right or Both Windows keys.
License: Shareware    OS: Windows    Size: 477 KB
02/27/2019 Download Now

2 - Egg Timer Plus  2.5
Egg Timer Plus is a small, easy to use stopwatch and egg timer. Resizeable on screen timer display. Seperate Timer and Stopwatch modules. Save your own preset timers and have unique audible timer completion sounds for each preset.
License: Shareware    OS: Windows    Size: 454 KB
02/19/2019 Download Now

3 - Tree View Outliner  1.0
Tree View Outliner allows you to organize and keep all of your notes, thoughts, to-do items, lists, tasks, bills and almost any information you want to keep, in one location. It uses a familiar "Tree View" list for you to keep all of these items
License: Shareware    OS: Windows    Size: 425 KB
02/10/2019 Download Now

4 - White Noise Player  1.01
White Noise Player will play any .wav file on your computer you choose on a continuous loop cycle from your system tray. This allows you to choose any sound you like from simple white nose to a relaxing rainfall to reduce distrating ambient noise.
License: Shareware    OS: Windows    Size: 632 KB
01/14/2019 Download Now

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Publisher Information:

Publisher :
Sardine Software
# of Posted Titles : 4 Software.