1 - Auto Gate / Expander 1.03 Auto Gate / Expander - SamplingRate: 44.1k, 48k, 88.2k, 96k support License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 211 KB KB
2 - C3 Multi Band Compressor 1.2.11 C3 Multi Band Compressor - A three band compressor that has dividing filters License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 97 KB KB
3 - CatDelay 1.3.0 CatDelay - Add delay to incoming sound by managing channels individually, and enhancing the overall experience through band filters, and buffer controls License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 68 KB KB
4 - LinearPhaseGraphicEQ 1.0.5 LinearPhaseGraphicEQ - An easy to use VST plugin License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 86 KB KB
5 - LinearPhaseGraphicEQ 2 2.1.5 LinearPhaseGraphicEQ 2 - VST audio plugin that helps you achieve clean sound output results using a linear-phase FIR filter, 61 frequency bands, parametric EQ mode, and sampling rate options License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 143 KB KB
6 - Side Chain Compressor 1.0.2 Side Chain Compressor - Sidechain compressor that offers support for stereo and mono modes, while allowing you to adjust the threshold, ratio, attack, hold, release, gain, and volume License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 165 KB KB
7 - SideChain Gate / Expander 1.0.3 SideChain Gate / Expander - VST audio plugin that supports different sampling rate modes and gate adjustments made to the threshold, attack time, hold time, and release time License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 212 KB KB