1 - Bucephal 1.22 Bucephal - A powerful and comprehensive VST plugin that you can use to distort, crush, flange and pitchshift your tracks to obtain a unique output License: Demo OS: Windows Size: 1.3 MB KB
2 - Eurydice 1.2 Eurydice - A VST plugin packed with technology and an attractive GUI that you can use to sculpt, mangle and enhance the audio output of you tracks License: Demo OS: Windows Size: 2.1 MB KB
3 - R_Mem 1.0 R_Mem - An audio plugin that offers its users a large range of adjustment parameters that they can combine to obtain granular, delay and noisy clicks effects License: Demo OS: Windows Size: 3.5 MB KB
4 - Tkapik 1.0.1 Tkapik - Use this plugin to trigger preloaded loops containing various sounds and play them whenever the amplitude reaches certain values License: Demo OS: Windows Size: 2.1 MB KB