1 - 5ORCERY 1.0 5ORCERY - A powerful five band compressor that under the hood acts like a four band equalizer and delivers great results without compromising the audio quality License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 2.1 MB KB
2 - FL4TT3RY2 FL4TT3RY2 - A VST plugin with the front plate inspired from a real piece of hardware but with an original algorithm that will offer you a soft compression License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 1.4 MB KB
3 - G8 G8 - Use this VST gate plugin to attenuate the volume below a given threshold value, as well as fine tune the quality of the output audio signal License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 2.7 MB KB
4 - L3V3LL3R L3V3LL3R - Use this plugin to correct and enhance the difference between the quite and loud outputs in your tracks in a simple and effective way License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 1.3 MB KB
5 - L3V3LL3R-X3 L3V3LL3R-X3 - A powerful multiband compressor that adjusts the phase while processing the audio signal and grants you control over the output quality License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 1.4 MB KB