1 - Host Handler 1.2 Host Handler : A lightweight but powerful utility that enables you to modify the hosts file with additional commands to flush DNS cache or lock the file License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 238 KB KB
2 - Process Terminator 1.31 Process Terminator : An efficient tool that can be used to bring various processes to an end License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 235 KB KB
3 - Safe Erase 1.31 Safe Erase : An easy to use utility for permanently deleting files you no longer need License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 235 KB KB
4 - SendTo Manager 1 SendTo Manager : Add new folders or even other programs to the SendTo context menu entry to transfer files faster, and open files with your own viewers or editors License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 234 KB KB