1 - foo dsp silence 0.0.3 foo dsp silence : It inserts a user defined amount of silence after each track License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 73 KB KB
2 - foo rg trn 0.1.3 foo rg trn : A ReplayGain override plugin for foobar2000 License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 64 KB KB
3 - foo seek box 0.0.3 foo seek box : A foobar2000 component that jumps to a specific time in playback License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 44 KB KB
4 - foo timebomb 0.0.2 foo timebomb : foobar2000 menu item to terminate or stop playback after a configurable period of time. License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 57 KB KB