1 - 3D Mandelbrot 1.0 3D Mandelbrot : This is a simple Mandelbrot fractal viewing program that was written using openGL. License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 186 KB KB
2 - Difference Filter 1.0 Difference Filter : A VirtualDub filter to modify your videos. License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 19 KB KB
3 - Motion Filter 1.0 Motion Filter : Allows pans, zooms, and rotations to be applied to a video License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 96 KB KB
4 - Movtoavi 1.0 Movtoavi : Convert an uncompressed MOV file to an AVI file, either uncompressed or compressed using Lagarith. License: Freeware OS: Windows Size: 85 KB KB