Doremisoft DVD to Flash Converter for Mac

Doremisoft DVD to Flash Converter for Mac

DVD to Flash Converter for mac, rip video DVD to SWF/FLV on mac

DVD to Flash converter for mac is a integration of a DVD ripper and a Flash FLV and SWF creator, which allows you to rip DVD movie and make Flash video at the same time with a few mouse clicks. And mac DVD to FLV converter works for any DVD sources, such as: Commercial and home-made DVD, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RW, VIDEO_TS folder, VOB files, etc.And DVD to SWF mac converter is able to export Flash video in FLV, SWF video format, generate thumbnail picture and automatically embed the video into an HTML web page with a skinning flash player with controller. DVD to FLV(Flash) mac converter empowers you to merge several separate DVD titles and chapters into a single file, add as many as DVD titles and chapters into a playlist by sliding them and set the start and end time to get segment from DVD movies. Mac DVD to Flash(FLV/SWF) converter provides you with powerful editing features to edit DVD movies through cropping them to remove the unwanted area like black bars at the top and bottom of the videos and moving the sliders to change video brightness, saturation and contrast values or adding artistic effect (Gray, Old Film, Emboss) to the target flash video. You are allowed to select a favorite subtitle and audio track for Flash movie. DVD to SWF converter mac allows you to customize Flash video in all direction, such as choose a cool and skinning flash player with a controllor and select special effect, a flash preloader template and a favorite background color for your flash video. You are even able to upload a image or input texts and hyperlinks to your flash video as a watermark and insert a picture, add contents, set their duration and background color at the beginning and the end of video clips. The converter, professional yet easy-to-use, is suitable for both beginners and professionals in Flash making.


To conclude Doremisoft DVD to Flash Converter for Mac works on Windows operating system(s) and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Commercial license.
Doremisoft DVD to Flash Converter for Mac was filed under the Multimedia and Presentation category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
Doremisoft DVD to Flash Converter for Mac has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck Doremisoft DVD to Flash Converter for Mac when updated to assure that it remains clean.

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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 243 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Multimedia and Presentation 
Publisher: Doremisoft
Last Updated: 28/11/2023
Requirements: Not specified
License: Commercial
Operating system: Windows
Hits: 584
File size: Not specified
Price: 49.95 USD

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