Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software

Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software 1.0

Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software : A simple-to-use application that comes bundled with limited features for helping you change wallpapers, while allowing you to add JPG images and specify the transition delay

Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software is a lightweight software application whose sole purpose is to help users change wallpapers at a user-defined time.It boasts a clean and simplistic layout that offers only a few configuration settings to tinker with. On the downside, the utility offers support for a single file format, namely JPG.The program gives you the possibility to upload files into the working environment using the built-in browse function, so you cannot rely on the “drag and drop” support.What’s more, you can arrange the image order by moving the items up or down, specify the transition delay (in minutes and seconds), and perform tests to view how the application changes the selected images.Other important features worth mentioning are represented by the possibility to clear the entire list with just one click and run the tool at Windows startup.The lack of configurable settings can be good news only for rookies, as they can learn to set up the dedicated parameters on the fly.However, more experienced users may find it pretty inconvenient to work with an app that doesn’t offer support for advanced options, such as various output formats, a preview mode for each picture, and background music, just to name a few suggestions.During our testing we have noticed that Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software accomplishes a task quickly and without errors throughout the entire process. It doesn’t eat up a lot of CPU and memory, so the overall performance of the computer is not hampered.All in all, Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software seems to be the right choice in case you are looking for an easy-to-use application that comes packed with limited features.


To conclude Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software works on Windows operating system(s) and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software download file is only 29 KB  in size.
Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software was filed under the Desktop Tools category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software when updated to assure that it remains clean.

Automatically Wallpaper Changer Software user Review

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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 129 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Desktop Tools 
Publisher: Tricolici Soft
Last Updated: 8/11/2023
Requirements: Windows 2008 / Windows 7 64 bit / Windows 7 / Windows Vista 64 bit / Windows Vista / Windows XP / Windows 2000
License: Freeware
Operating system: Windows
Hits: 783
File size: 29 KB 
Price: Not specified

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