
Contig 1.7

Contig : Contig is a single-file defragmenter which attempts to make files contiguous on disk in order to improve the access speed when using large files

Contig is a lightweight utility designed to help you defragment certain files from your hard drive. The program can be used in command line mode in order to specify the item that you want to analyze or defragment.The access time of each file from the hard drive depends on its fragmentation since the drive needs to retrieve all the sectors used for storing the data. A proven method of improving the speed of your system is to regularly defragment the hard disk.However, defragmenting an entire hard drive can take a lot of time and sometimes can improve the performance only for a short time. This program aims to help you when you only need to defragment a reduced number of files.Before running the program on of of your files, you should take a look at the command line arguments. This tool allows you to analyze the file and provides you with a brief report in order to decide if it needs defragmentation.You can use the verbose mode and run the application silently in order to defragment the files with a single click. Since it is a command line tool, repeated actions can be automated by creating batch scripts.Additional commands enable you to analyze the free space from the hard drive and recurse the directories when defragmenting files.If you are looking for a simple tool for defragmenting individual files, Contig is a reliable solution that can help you avoid defragmenting the entire partition.


To conclude Contig works on Windows operating system(s) and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. Contig download file is only 101 KB  in size.
Contig was filed under the System category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
Contig has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck Contig when updated to assure that it remains clean.

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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 93 - Score - 5/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: System 
Publisher: Sysinternals
Last Updated: 3/11/2023
Requirements: Windows NT
License: Freeware
Operating system: Windows
Hits: 1123
File size: 101 KB 
Price: Not specified

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