WML Free Tutorial

Web based School

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WML Examples

A WML deck with two cards - one for user input and one for displaying the result - can be set up, as demonstrated in this example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<card id="card1" title="School">
<do type="accept" label="Answer">
  <go href="#card2"/>
<select name="name"> 
  <option value="HTML">HTML School</option>
  <option value="XML">XML  School</option>
  <option value="WAP">WAP  School</option>

<card id="card2" title="Answer">
You selected: $(name)


The first card might look like this in your mobile phone display:

----- School ----------

 HTML School 
 XML  School 
 WAP  School 


The second card might look like this:

----- Answer ----------

 You Selected: HTML

Example Explained

The Prolog

<?xml version="1.0"?>

The first lines in the WML document are called the prolog. The prolog defines that this is an XML document, it then defines the XML version, and the DTD to be referenced.

The Deck

<wml> ..... </wml>

The deck is the WML document itself. It is embedded within <wml> tags

The Cards

<card> ..... </card>

Cards are always displayed one at the time. The two cards named "card1" and "card2" are defined between <card> tags

The <do> element

<do> ... </do>

The first card has a <do> element that defines an event to be triggered. The type="accept" attribute of the <do> element causes the label="Answer" to be displayed in the lower left corner of the display.

The Event

The <go> element triggers when the user clicks the <do> label. The href="#card2" attribute of the <go> element causes card2 to be displayed on the screen.

The Variable

Card2 displays the $(name) variable from card1, because variables are valid across cards.

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