MyLife Recipes & Home Organizer 6.9

Programs to help you manage and organize your home digitally to stay on top. It contains Recipes, grocery list, Party Planner, Home payroll, Body weight record, jewellery & makeup. Also includes Visual home, & Home Inventory.

Programs for managing your home efficiently to stay on top of things. These often made and much required programs are made with advanced functions to help you stay organized to save time. This is done by great deal of automation and advanced features built into all programs. These are made with detailed thought of users requirements of functions in mind. It contains Recipes, Shopping List, Party Planner & Home payroll, body weight record, jewellery & makeup. Also included are Visual home storage, Home Inventory of clothes, linen & utencils. Built with various add, view & edit formats to suit all users. All programs have simple and advanced modes, form & list views, import -export functions.Recipes program contains prefilled database of recipes, ingregients, book view, dish picture, advanced search, calculation of ingredients for party, copy of dish to party planner and ingredients to shopping list. Shopping list has monthwise purchase consumption analysis to help control home expenses.

Keywords : Home manager, Home organizer, Home inventory, Recipes, cookbook, shopping list, grocery list, party planner, home payroll, home storage, floorplan


To conclude MyLife Recipes & Home Organizer works on Windows operating system(s) and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Shareware license. MyLife Recipes & Home Organizer download file is only 87024 KB in size.
MyLife Recipes & Home Organizer was filed under the Health and Exercise category and was reviewed in and receive 4.9/5 Score.
MyLife Recipes & Home Organizer has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck MyLife Recipes & Home Organizer when updated to assure that it remains clean.

MyLife Recipes & Home Organizer user Review

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Popularity 9.8/10 - Downloads - 253 - Score - 4.9/5 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Health and Exercise 
Publisher: PowerHouse Software Co.
Last Updated: 02/16/2019
Requirements: P3, 200 MB Hard Disk,128 MB Ram
License: Shareware
Operating system: Windows
Hits: 496
File size: 87024 KB
Price: 9.99 USD

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