

XSim is a simple Java visual application that you can use to simulate different processes.

XSim is a simple Java visual process simulation tool. For instance, you can use it to simulate tasks to be executed on a processor or industrial processes. Process can be a service task to be executed on a processor, network communications, industrial processes, manufacturing, among others. The software enables you to add different components to your process map and easily set connections between them. XSim is a cross-platform application, so it runs on any platform that provides Java.

XSim Overview

The term "simulation" has different meanings according to the context in which it is used. In this work, simulation means imitation of some observed situation, imagined or projected, allowing experimental testing. This simulation system (XSim) was developed to rapidly model simulations, with the possibility of monitoring the behavior of the system (simulation) at runtime. XSim was some features, such as Entities, Processes and Resources.

Corresponds to the dynamic modeling element that moves along the process. Can be the product being manufactured in an industry, the information that circulates in a computer system or a vehicle that moves in a city simulating urban traffic.

Place where some activity is performed over the entity. It may be necessary to use resources to achieve them. We can cite as an example the work done by an employee on the manufactured product line, the attendance of a customer in an store, processing a transaction by a microprocessor.

This acts over the entity. Can be an employee or a machine that performs an operation on a manufactured product line.

xsim screenshot

XSim ToolBar

File Information
New File
Clean current simulation file.

Open File
Open a new saved file in the program XSim (extension .xsim).
Save File
Save the current simulation file with extension .xsim.

Redo editor's action. HotKey Ctrl+Y.

Undo editor's action. HotKey Ctrl+Z.

Connects an component output with an component input.

Connect automatically outputs with the inputs of the components using the criterion of proximity between components.

Run/Stop Simulation
Controls the execution of the simulation. Displays the settings of time, replication, and others.

Simulation Speed
The bar controls the simulation speed.

Button which restarts whole simulation.

Configure the resource capacity (number of resources available).

Set variables and their initial values​​.

View the statistics of the simulation at runtime.

File Informations
Edit the informations of the simulation file, such as author and title.

xsim screenshot 2


Components are divided in a feel categories:

  • Basic Components
  • Lean - Materias
  • Advanced Components

Componentes B?sicos



Component which creates new entities.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Entity Name Name of the new entity
Expression Interval of time to create a new entity
First Arrival Interval to create the first entity
Tasks Per Arrival Number of entities which will be created
Maximum Maximum number of entities


Component which destroy entities.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Record Determines if the results will enter in statistics


Component, based on some criteria, direct the entities to different flows.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Type TwoWayChance Percentage of entities which will flowing through the top output
TwoWayConditional If the condition is true, the entities will flowing through the top output
EntityType If the name of the entity is the same as the "Entity Name" then the entities will flowing through the top output


Component which apply an variable or attribute when some entity passes.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Type Variable Create or edit an variable
Attribute Create or edit an entity's attribute

Edit the entity's name
Variable name/Attribute name Name of the variable or attribute
Expression Expression that allows you to create and modify the values of variables or attributes
Entity Name New entity's name


Component which performs some process over the entity. It has a time and resource associated with.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Expression Time to complete the process
Resource Name Name of the resource which will be used
Component which releases the entities after a time determined by the expression..

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Expression Expression to releases the entities


Component which groups entities by some rule.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Batch Size Maximum batch size
Type Arrive Group by arrives
Attribute Group by some attribute value
Attribute name Name of the attribute which will be used to group


Component which separate batchs and create duplicates of entities.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Type ForBatch Separates batch
Duplicate Duplicates entities
Duplications Number of entities duplicated

Lean - Materias



Component which performs some process over the entity, in this case, the figure represents a Lean process over the entity. It has a time and resource associated.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Expression Time to do the process
Resource Name Resource required to process


Component which performs some activity over the entity, in this case, the figure represents an entity beeing transported by truck. It has a time and resource associated with.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Expression Time to do the process
Resource Name Resource required to process

Advanced Components



Hold entities until expression is true.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Expression Hold entities until expression is true.


Creates a histogram about the interval of arrivals of entities.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component


Releases two entities if each input has at least one entity in then queue.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component


Show the value of the current expression.

Campo Description
Expression The value will be shown regarding with this expression


> Show the value regarding the expression when some entity passes.

Campo Description
Name Name to identify the component
Expression The value will be shown regarding with this expression


To conclude XSim works on Windows operating system(s) and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to 30-day Trial license. XSim download file is only 2.0 MB in size.
XSim was filed under the Graphics Editing and Painting category and was reviewed in softlookup.com and receive 5/5 Score.
XSim has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck XSim when updated to assure that it remains clean.

XSim user Review

Please review XSim application and submit your comments below. We will collect all comments in an effort to determine whether the XSim software is reliable, perform as expected and deliver the promised features and functionalities.

Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 189 - Score - 5/5

Softlookup.com 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: Graphics Editing and Painting 
Publisher: Xano Trevisan Kothe
Last Updated: 24/11/2023
Requirements: Windows, Mac,Linux or Solaris
License: 30-day Trial
Operating system: Windows
Hits: 2001
File size: 2.0 MB
Price: 199.99 USD

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